I’m so excited to be “reopening” and booking in Washington DC, Virginia, and destinations beyond! COVID has certainly put a hiccup in things, has it not? As I open up my schedule for beginning again, I just want to note that safety is my priority and changes have been made based on guidance from local health officials, including the CDC. I ask that you please help to follow these guidelines during your session. Cleanliness, physical distancing, and reduced contact are very important as we transition back to normalcy. Your session might be a bit different than the last time but we will get through it together and I’ll create stunning photography for you!
Things You Should Know:
Whew! I know this is a lot! Let’s get to the exciting news – it is August and I am officially booking in the DMV area (Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia!) Click here or shoot me an email at alexiselmassih@gmail.com for available dates and information!
Please note this is a fluid situation and may change based upon governmental directives, CDC recommendations and legal advisement.